Please download the Flash Player to view our site.We believe strong communication tools tell your story well to the people you care about. Your message is important. However it is delivered, the message reflects your image, personality and capability. The message includes your words, the look and feel of your media, and an understanding of your audience. OUR MISSION: To create state-of-the-art media for the presentation of your message in the marketplace. Creative Media Associates designs, develops and delivers electronic, print and internet marketing communication tools. Our job is to reflect your message to your audiences. We enable you to support your conversations, presentations, seminars and meetings with quality media. We produce media that introduces and reinforces your message on many levels: Identity: name, brand identity, mission. Image: iconic images, wordmarks, color, typography, visual design. Tools: websites, written reports, PowerPoint presentations, retail packages. We are dedicated to developing electronic, print and internet marketing communications for organizations, emphasizing publications for business development. Sandy Freeman, president of Creative Media Associates, is the creative director for all projects, enabling our clients’ vision to be realized in consistently branded media. Over the years we have developed strong working relationships with brand image design firms, presentation specialists, print brokers, graphic artists, digital media producers, and web design gurus. We create original design and message, as well as improve upon existing media. Our business has evolved over five years as marketing communication specialists. First, we talk: As a communications consultant, we develop an outreach strategy and conceptual plan with you. Solutions are tailored to each client. Then, we walk: We offer tactical project management resulting in a finished product for you—online, internet and print. A solid foundation in corporate marketing communications enables us to deliver communication services to a range of clients. These include businesses in bio-based chemistry, functional foods and natural health products, academic and fundraising programs, the built environment, and a growing portfolio for the UC Extension Landscape Architecture Program.